This year’s AGM agreed changes to the constitution. The chairman, Eric Sorensen, noted that the draft revised constitution had been circulated to all members giving 28 days’ notice as required by article 13 of the constitution.
Jennet Eyre suggested moving the new object regarding licensing from objects to the list of powers. This minor amendment was accepted and the resolution (as so amended) was put to the meeting and approved by the requisite majority. The chairman thanked Neil Vickers for his work on changes to the constitution.
Treasurer’s report: Fiona Cullen reported a healthy subscription level. It had been a year of consolidation. Funds stand at £14,172, compared with £13,380 the previous year.
Martin Klute, vice-chair of planning and chair of health scrutiny board, gave an update on planning and the appointment of a new sergeant to the neighbourhood police team.
Christine Lovett, chief executive of Angel London, outlined the work that had been done in negotiating with Thames Water in the wake of the flooding.
Giles Eyre, chairman of the Angel Community Canal Boat Trust, gave a brief history of the canal and City Road basin with photographs.
Jennet Eyre and Eleanor Wilson, retiring members of the committee, were thanked for their hard work.