As Members know our ward boundary changed last year, there was a shift south which meant that much of the Arlington area is now in the new St Mary’s and St James’ Ward. The new St Peter’s and Canalside Ward now crosses City Rd. This won’t change our excellent links with the Arlington Association and others built up over many years, we shall continue to work closely together on behalf of neighbours in the whole area. We have good links with our local Councillors, particularly Cllr Martin Klute who has represented this area for many years.
At the centre of the new Ward is City Rd Basin which has become a valued area with great water recreation opportunities. Unfortunately the Islington Boat Club had to close in May because of health and safety concerns with its building. All of us want to restore watersports at the Basin as soon as possible especially for local young people. Angel Boat, a narrow boat, is moored nearby and continues to thrive, also providing great opportunities for young people and community groups. We are delighted that the Association is a strong supporter of the Angel Boat charity . We have also this last year supported music at Hanover Primary School, St Peter’s Project to support local young people especially in the school holidays, street trees planting and Islington in Bloom.
As you know the Association keeps closely in touch with planning and development projects, not restricting opportunities but lending our weight to good proposed development which works in everyone’s interest. We were disappointed that the large proposed development at the Angel crossroads was recommended by Council officers and approved by the Planning Committee in early September. This is the most prominent site in this area and deserves a building which fits with this historic context, like the present one on the site. We joined with the Islington Society and Duncan Terrace Association to object. As one of our local papers said it looked like a design by a computer having a bad day. Immediately next to this development is the large RBS/Nat West building, built in 1990, empty for over two years. Redevelopment seems likely here, we are urging the Council to prepare a design brief for the whole area to raise the ambition of prospective developers.
We have a close relationship with the Angel business improvement district ( because it’s in everyone’s interest to have a thriving town centre. We are working closely with them to assess the impact of street closures under the Council’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods programme. We particularly want to help ensure that our local businesses can be accessed and serviced efficiently. We want the Council to be as positive as possible about the increasing use of electric vehicles which greatly help in tackling traffic related pollution.
Our Committee has 8 members, meeting regularly, our names are on our website. We welcome David Cook to our Committee, and also Beverley Dean who has rejoined us.
We are always looking for new committee members so do contact the secretary Geraldine Hackett to express your interest .
Eric Sorensen, Chairman Angel Association,
Treasurer Fiona Cullen; secretary Geraldine Hackett.
Committee members: Anna Turk ; Neil Vickers ; Clare Norton; David Cook and Beverley Dean.