Islington Council sets out how money from Thames Water has been spent

Islington Council has revealed in an anwer to a Freedom of Information request it has spent £72,358 of the £100,000 pledged by Thames Water in compensation for the burst water main in 2016.

Where the money has gone.

Camden Passage – hanging baskets x 6 and bike
planters x 4 contribution to floral displays in/outside
shops, hanging baskets – match funded by
Bike planters
Charlton Place £8,128.49
Improve signage
around Camden
Upgrade of existing street signage, new signboard, and
directional finger posts. £8,000.00
Gate to entrance
of Shalford Court
New vehicle double gates and single pedestrian gate
with intercom – to provide more security for residents;
will stop all illegal parking, fly tipping and the alleyway
being used as a toilet
Community event for Camden Passage
To fund for 3 years £12,000.00
Duncan Terrace Gardens/Colebrooke Row
Improvements to landspace at the junction of Charlton
Place including restoration of damaged walls. £8,180.00
London Tourist
Map For years entry into London Tourist map and new
graphics. £3,000.00
Little AngelTheatre Community Map
Contribution towards costs of this in return for mention
of Camden Passage. £500.

