
Volunteer drivers needed

Shelter from the Storm, the homeless charity, needs drivers on Mondays and Fridays to pick up food from Pret A Manger in St John Street and take it to Shelter from the Storm which is near Pentonville prison, off the Caledonian Road. The trip takes 35 to 40 minutes. A...

Annual General Meeting

The AGM is on 11 July at the church hall in Prebend Street. it will be followed by the summer party. Speaker to be announced.

Guided walk into history

Guided walk – Saturday 21 January  The Spa Field Riots of 1816   In 1816 Islington hosted a huge demonstration to demand political reform and cuts to taxes. The meeting started peacefully but some protestors had other plans. Clerkenwelll and Islington Guide Rob...

Tribute to Susan de Mont

Susan de Mont  08.01.61 – 03.01.16 For twenty-one years Susan was the indefatigable Treasurer of the Angel Association who saw it as her priority to look after the resources of members past and present and increase donations to local charities seeking our help. It was...

Volunteers needed for Vincent Terrace woods

The Friends of Vincent Terrace Woods are planning another gardening day on Saturday November 12 from 10.00 to 15.00 hrs to clear up the woods and plant trees generously donated by the Woodland Trust and more daffodils and bluebells for spring . Meet at canal tunnel...

Visit to the Museum of the Order of St John

Our next social event will be on Sunday 11th September at 3pm when we will be given a guided tour of the Museum of the Order of St John, at St John’s Gate in Clerkenwell. As well as exploring the Order’s 900 year history, the tour will include the ancient Priory...

Angel Association annual meeting

Eric Sorensen, chairman, presented his report to the annual meeting of the Association on Tuesday 12 July.  Neil Bennett, partner at Farrells architecture practice, was the guest speaker. Refreshments                ...

Angel Association AGM July 12

  Notice of Angel Association AGM Tuesday 12 July 2016   7pm – 10pm Our AGM will be on Tuesday 12 July 2016 at 7pm at St James’ Hall, Prebend Street, (corner of Packington Street), N1 8PF. All members and friends of the Angel Association are welcome. Refreshments...

Angel Association AGM 12 July 2016

What is happening to London?  Neil Bennett, partner at Farrells, the internationally  recognised architect planners, will talk about planning issues and trends for the area and the city. Farrells have been players in planning and design for a number of years. His talk...

